Individual Membership

For individuals employed by a government entity (international, national, regional, or local) or a publicly controlled or funded agency, enterprise, or other entity that delivers public programs, goods, or services This membership is available to individuals principally employed as educators at colleges and universities and vocational training institutes.
  • Learn and enhance your career. The German Academic Institute (GAI) works with corrosion industry leaders to offer training programs designed to advance your knowledge base
  • Access GAI standards , reports, and conference papers used in ACP states to improve quality, safety, and reliability
  • Network with key decision makers and industry leaders at international events or within your specialization and build a net work of people in the in the same sectors
  • Discover the difference that GAI contacts can have on your career path
  • Job placement potential—hear about jobs or recruit potential employees from GAI members.
  • Be recognized as part of the premier authority for corrosion control solutions

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