We have been very successful in programmes like: EDULINK, SWITCH-ASIA, ASIA-invest, Alure, Asia –IT & communication, ASIA-Link, Energy Facility, Asia Urbs, ATLAS, CARDS, Co Financing with NGOs, Decentralization Cooperation, EU-Asia Pro Eco, European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights, Flight against illnesses due to poverty, Food Aid and Security, Integration of gender issues in development cooperation, MEDA, Programme of Higher Study Award, Promotion of Conservation and Sustainable management, Integration of Environmental dimension in developing countries, SURE, TACIS, Piece Programmes, European Development Fund, Education and Training Programmes, (EQUAL, PETRA FORCE, SOCRATIES, JUGATEC LEONARDO DA VINCI).
With the ACP-EU funding resources, we work towards the implementation of the MDGs; Eradicating of extreme poverty and hunger, Achievement of universal primary education, Promotion of gender equality and empowering of women, Reduction of child mortality, Improvement of maternal health, Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, Ensuring environmental sustainability and Developing of a Global Partnership for Development.