ECAS signs an MoU with the Global Policy Research Group
ECAS signed a memorandum of understanding with the Global Policy Research Group (GPRG). We are proud to work with GPRG, a non-profit and non-affiliated policy research think tank based in Lund, Sweden, that over the years has provided the space to improve the quality of policy making and has fostered research in the following areas: Development, […]
YEA legal experts follow a training on EU product rules
The legal experts of Your Europe Advice (YEA) took on 8 February part in an online webinar on EU product rules. The internal training, titled All you need to know about EU Product Rules. The ‘Blue Guide 2022 on the implementation of the product rules’, was a combined training for YEA, SOLVIT and Enterprise Europe Network […]
ECAS will take part in the EESC Civil Society Days
On the 2nd of March, ECAS will host its workshop, “CSOs resilience against shrinking democratic space in CEE” in the framework of the 2023 edition of the EESC Civil Society Days. Under the overarching topic “Civil Society Organisations: a pillar of democracy and a key player to overcome current challenges”, citizens, organised civil society and European institutions […]
Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe – Digital Transformation Cluster Report
The Civil Society Convention ‘s Digital Transformation Cluster has worked on developing proposals that will feed into the EU’s priority of “A Europe fit for the digital age”. The ambition of this priority is to strengthen the EU’s digital sovereignty and set standards on data, technology, and infrastructure – with a clear focus on education, […]
BOLSTER kick-off meeting
The BOLSTER project (Bridging Organizations and marginalised communities for Local Sustainability Transitions in EuRope) officially started at the beginning of September with the successful kick-off meeting that took place on 7, 8 and 9 September in Tilburg, southern Netherlands, hosted by the project coordinator, Tilburg University. Representatives from 13 organisations involved in the project gathered […]